Background Diffusion

AI Photo Editing Background Using Text

or drop a file here
CTRL+V to paste image or URL

No image?

Try one of these:

Newly Launched:
Background Generation with Subject Unchanged >

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Cutout.Pro Background Diffusion?

    Background Diffusion is a magic tool to generate unlimited backgrounds for any image to recreate art. You could use Background Diffusion to change the background into different scenarios. ‘A girl walking on the street during Halloween’, ‘Celebrate birthday together with family’, ‘Me standing together with Santa Claus, etc. Your portrait could be turned into thousands of new photos in different backgrounds.

  • How can I get my output?

    You will see 4 preview outputs each time you click ‘Generate’. You can free download your preferred output via sharing to Facebook or Twitter. You can also buy credits ( to download the output.

  • Can I reimagine myself to be anyone I want?

    Sure. For better performance, you can upload your image, then click ‘Face Cutout’, erase unwanted parts on the image if any, and then input a prompt describing what role image you would like yourself to become. Click ‘Generate’ and surprise yourself with AI-generated self-portraits.

  • Can your generated art be promoted?

    Of course. You can share your AI-generated work created by Cutout.Pro on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter ( and tag us. We will share your awesome images with millions of fans in our community.

  • Are there any restrictions? Can I sell my work?

    Your prompt shall not involve violence, be harmless to others or anything malicious. You must comply with our Terms and Conditions ( during the use.Yes, you could sell your design as NFTs. Your designs could not be guaranteed as totally unique creations since AI might generate similar designs or others might edit the exact same image using softwares.