Anime Enhancer

The best AI image enhancer for anime and cartoons.

One click to improve the image quality and clear your anime pictures.

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How to clear your blurry anime picture on Cutout.Pro?


Upload images from your device or copy the URL of the image into this page


Your anime picture will be automatically enhanced. Resolution will be boosted and details on your anime picture will be restored. You can choose from the two modes 'Quality' or 'Fidelity'


Free download (smaller size) or HD download are both available

FAQ on How to Unblur an Image?

How do I improve the quality of a photo?
You can crop photos, unblur photos, adjust photo colors, adjust light and shadow, adjust saturation, use photo filters or photo overlays, create photo collages, or remove unwanted objects from photos.
How does this tool enhance your photos?
Our enhancer enhances the resolution of images by increasing their sharpness. It does not enhance color, light, contrast, saturation, or other aspects of your images.
Why do people use Image quality enhancer?
If they have found some old family photos that are blurry, they can enhance them to keep the best memory alive. Some UGC (User-generated Content) photos are too poor quality to be used, then you can enhance them and turn them into high-res print-ready content or social media content design. Programmers often include enhancing features in photo editing apps through API calls.
What kind of photos do not work that well?
If your images are sharp enough or have been enhanced already, then they may not show any improvement in resolution. If the image quality is too poor, the deblurring result may not be perfect, though you can try enhancing it twice. Also, our algorithm works the best on portraits of humans compared to texts, scenery, etc.
Can I use it on mobile phones?
Absolutely. If you would like to use it on iPhone (ios) or android phone, our mobile app has an enhancer feature. Let’s enhance them on the go!
What makes photo enhancer the best enhancing tool? is powered by PicUP.Ai, a company that specializes at using AI in graphics design and computer vision technology development. This enhancer has free options for everyone, regardless of their design experience, and the pricing plan is cost-effective for both individuals and businesses.
Is enhancer free?
Besides free downloads for low res results, you can also use the “gift” button on the right below to share our tool with your friends and family members, both you and them will get 5 credits for every registration you referred. You can also join our affiliate program or nonprofit program for more benefits.
Will the file size change after enhancement?
Yes. AI uses machine learning to learn from photos to add more pixels and information to the original photos for denoise. This means the resulting photo may get bigger in size.